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True Support

prevOct. 28, 2005 - 2:41

In other news, I just finished reading the 22 page indictment of Libby. The 1 count of obstruction of justice, 2 counts of false statements, and 2 counts of pergury. Actually a very interesting read. So now Rove goes back to the grand jury for the 4th time. For those of you not fully understanding what's going on, but feel you should know, go here. It's an explanation for non-political junkies. I think if you are an American citizen it is your duty to pay attention to what is going on concerning those who govern us. It is our country and we should be the ones deciding how it is run, i.e., speaking out when we disagree and voting for those who listen to our voices. The American government should never be a situation of autopilot where we as citizens hand over the controls and sit back. Because there is no autopilot and to sit back means the machine crashes to the ground. As we're seeing of late.

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