Chickens With Pants
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Short Note Before I Go

prevNov. 05, 2005 - 1:37

I leave tomorrow/today (Nov. 5th, anyway) for Philly. I'll be on my 5th tour as Scrooge in "A Christmas Carol." After 3 years of the same director, I will NOT be under the leadership of Little Johnny Beecher this time. How odd. I'll have to actually pay attention during rehearsals and think! Don't know how I feel about that. Anyway, my main point being that I won't get to update for a while probably. Amy has a laptop on tour, so maybe sometime...but just a warning. Of course, I really don't know who reads this anymore. Grant does. ...but on a regular basis, I don't know who else does. No one leaves me notes or emails me, so who knows? Anyway, peace to you. And remember my comic strip, which will continue to update itself on autopilot every Tuesday and least until Nov. 17th. Have to get more on there if I want it to last longer than that. Bye.

Until next time, this is one hilarious comic! Support online comics: read them!

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