Chickens With Pants
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Been Listening to "Nevermore"

prevDec. 26, 2003 - 12:59

Christmas went well, and I don't really care. I'm not really glad to be home as much as I'm glad to be away from The Asshole. If this had been my first tour, there would be no way I would return.

There was one reeeeaaaally good thing today: Jason called from Asia. He asked me what I was doing this Spring and said he was tired of making him wait to hear. I had forgotten that I said I was going to post it on here.

I am going to stay in North Carolina this Spring and work on going to auditions. I love the repeated life that I have carved out for myself (i.e. summers in New Mexico, autumns on tour as Scrooge) but I think it's time to start thinking about moving ahead again. I plan on going to SETC's in March and hopefully I can find some other places as well.

So that's where I stand now...sort of.

I have pain in my heart.

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