Chickens With Pants
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Uninspiring Inspiration

prevDec. 26, 2003 - 7:09

I don't think I wrote anything on tour. I wrote in my journal like twice, but I mean I didn't write any fiction or plays or poems...nothing. I was just really slack. Didn't really ever have the time, to tell the truth. For not covering as much area, this tour seemed really packed-in compared to the other two. Last year I wrote my one act "Patient 0315" which was the first of what would become qutie a number of space related one acts. The problem is, I'm not reading enough of the stuff that inspires me. I wrote "Patient..." after finishing up some Ray Bradbury, and all this summer's writings came after Stephen King and Arthur C. Clarke. I need to stop with the fiction that, although I truely love (i.e., "Cloudstreet" by Tim Winton) doesn't inspire me to get something down on paper. So, I'm sorry Mel, but "Skinny Legs and All" may never get read.

I am not entertaining, am I? Fine, my next posting will be something I've written.

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