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Things I Sometimes Forget

prevJan. 26, 2004 - 12:07

"You know, sometimes we think everything is changing, but I tell you what, the same moon is up there tonight, the same stars that Abraham saw, they're all up there. And the same God that put them there and made them shine, He's still there, too. And I don't know what life has for you--I don't know what life has for me--but I know this: I know that God is good. And I know that God does not lie. And I know that God has given us the gift of our lives. Sometimes we wish that He would have given us someone else's life, but He chose to give you your life. Don't dispair of it." --Rich Mullins
There are too many days where these two sets of lyrics sum up my life all too well:

"The stuff of Earth competes for the allegence I owe only to the Giver of all good things." --If I Stand Rich Mullins

"I'd rather fight You for something I don't really want than take what you give that I need." --Hold Me Jesus Rich Mullins

I'm at an odd place and sometimes forget where to focus.

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