Chickens With Pants
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What's the Buzz? Tell Me What's A-Happening.

prevMay. 28, 2004 - 3:45

So tomorrow morning circa 11am, I am auditioning for Walnut Street Theatre. My two pieces are Bottom's Dream from "A Midsummer Night's Dream" and from a one act that you've never heard of... unless you've helped me audition before, then you've heard of it, and that's pretty much only Carr!e and Denise...and Brooke Overholt's heard of it as well. But that's it...pretty much. Anyway, Thursday and today I worked with one of the ensemble members here on my monologues and I feel sooooooo much more confident now. Not just about the two pieces, but auditioning as a whole tomorrow. A guest artist who is in town also watched me perform them and gave me a few pointers, mainly having to do with not letting myself get worked up and nervous during the 2 hour drive to Philly. I feel great.

Now it's time to go pack...sadness (and laziness). The guy I'm "subletting" from comes home tomorrow while I'm gone, so I have to have the place cleaned before I leave for Philly. Not completely packed, but bathroom cleaned, kitchen cleaned, stuff like that.

Also yesterday, I talked to another ensemble member about creating a theatre project for Shelby. I think what we talked about would go over very well in our town. (Not Our Town, I pass out during that.) As for what we talked about, you'll just have to wait...cause I really need to go home and pack/clean now.

Say a prayer for me tomorrow morning if you're up (or send "good energy" if that's your thing). You can even do it tonight if you know you won't be up tomorrow morning...God will save it up and send it around 11. El's cool that way.

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