Chickens With Pants
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"Why is the World in Love Again?"

prevSept. 21, 2004 - 10:58

Looks like I'll be moving into one of two places this week. Tell you which one when we finally decide.

Working on the dinner theatre is a joke. Mainly because the director can't direct. Her "directing" is made up of line readings; walking out the blocking herself as she gives it; and telling the assembled cast the blocking, line readings, motives, etc. of cast members who are not there. Loverly waste of time to spend 5 minutes telling us what 2 characters who aren't here tonight are going to be doing. Worse yet, she changes her mind about what they'll be doing and needs to tell us.

I'll still love performing it, so that makes it worthwhile. A bad day at the theatre beats a good day anywhere else. Except Knobel's. Also, one of the women in the show asked me to take home and read the script for a show she's directing in February. I guess that says something about my abilities. ...wait, maybe it says more about how long it takes me to learn lines?

PT on my ankle at 8am...hopefully. If they bothered to call the insurance company. It has taken so long to get back into PT because, get this people, they lost my doctor's referral. Lost. LOST IT. Are they on crazy pills?!

Anyway, going to see They Might Be Giants this weekend in Charleston!! Anyone want to join me? You'll have to sleep on the loveseat though 'cause I've got the bed. Mel will be there too *wink, wink* Come to think of it, it's her apartment and she invited me to the concert, so I'm not sure if I can invite you. But if someone really wants to see TMBG, I'm sure we can work something out.

Going to bed now because all this driving is starting to wear me out. I think I might be getting old.

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