Chickens With Pants
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prev2003-09-14 - 3:58

Had bowling alley beer bought by Joel. we bowled, obviously. Even that little bit of alcohol didn't help my score any (maybe in a bar, but not in a bowling alley). I just told Natasha that I felt "tilty." Aaanyway, Erin invited me back over to Joel's house, cause even though he's my brother, he isn't going to say, "Come over." He did tell me later that the invitation is always there. I hope not forever. He really needs to get out of this town!

Anyway, happy birthday to Katy!! She loaned me a good book and participated in great conversation. thoughts aren't quite with me: it's 4:03am. The dog is chewing on a bone bigger than my femur, and Brighid is pissed at me...again. Those two had nothing to do with each other.

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