Chickens With Pants
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It's Sunday Evening...and I'm Old

prevAug. 22, 2004 - 7:24

First day at One Stop tomorrow, starting at 7am.

Someone is trying to buy my forgiveness/focus with books. It might even work, 'cause these books rock. She could have cinched it with a book jacket on #6, but oh well! What she needs to understand is that my lack of attention is from attention being elsewhere. Not anger, not frustration, not any sort of emotion. Just plain, old fashioned busyness. I'm an "out of sight, out of mind" type of person. Kishia and I are still great friends and we only talk about twice a year! So if I don't call it's because I'm doing something else.

Still... I'm keeping the books.

And thanks.

But you can't have the books back.

Rented 2 of Samantha's movies today, so this will be Samantha Week! You want good? How about she earned an Oscar nomination for her work in Sweet and Lowdown and she plays a mute in it?! It's one of the movies I got today and she is great. Sean Penn is amazing in it. It's an odd film (in a good way), but what do you expect? It's Woody Allen. Anyway...Samantha is fabulous. She may just replace Jodie on this page. Or maybe she can have my archives page. I need to do something with it anyway.

My body is very old today.

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