Chickens With Pants
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prevOct. 01, 2003 - 3:26

I love tattoo/piercing people. I don't mean those who have them, per se, but those who do them. They are just fun people, in my opinion.

Take today for example: I called up Ink Link here in town and explained to them how the guy who pierced my tongue in Lincoln seemed to have cross-threaded it. I couldn't get the ball off of the bar! It was STUCK in my mouth! Anyway, the woman on the phone said 'Pete' had "strong hands" and could unscrew it for me.

I got to the store and the woman asks, "What can I do for ya?" I told her I was the one who called about the tongue piercing. She yells, "Pete! This guy needs help getting his balls out of his mouth!"

I love these people.

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