Chickens With Pants
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prevJul. 05, 2004 - 1:09

So here's my question: I have a pretty long "real journal" (i.e., hand written in a book) that I wrote a year ago in London. It's pretty interesting and somewhat storylike. However, it's pretty long and before I go thru all the effort of typing it up (let's rememeber I'm sort of handicapped here after surgery and all), I want to know that people are actually going to read the thing. I know some Diarylanders just want quickie but with the amount of effort I am going to have to put into the writing of this, I want to know that my effort isn't in vain.

So, if you want me to write the entry, tell me in my Notes page. If you aren't a Diaryland Member, there is a link at the top of this page for emailing me. Or, AIM users: oneactwriter.

I'll wait 2 days. If I haven't gotten much feedback (meaning more than just Mel, 'cause she's already heard the entry) then that will be my answer. Thanks, folks.

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