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Multi-Cultured Trucker

prevJun. 28, 2005 - 4:48

In the musical Working, I sing the song "Brother Trucker" written by James Taylor. Because of my love of such items and for use in the show, I am now the proud (very proud) owner of this belt buckle!

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What do you think? Hot, yes? Ah, yes. Time to head over to the library. Returning Swallows of Kabul and renewing Johnathan Strange and Mr Norrell. I greatly recommend both. The latter is over 700 pgs, and the former I read the afternoon I got it. Swallows of Kabul actually is where I got a really good monologue, too. There is a lot of really tight dialogue and it's a beautifully sad story. I can't imagine much of any other type of story coming out of Kabul right now. Maybe one day that city will see peace. The book reminded me of one I got of short stories about Sarajevo during its besiegment during the Yugoslav wars of the 90s. I think it's very important for us to understand and learn more about other cultures. Maybe I'll see if I can't get another such book at the library. Yay, a mission! Anyway, I'm off.

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