Chickens With Pants
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Just Stopping By

prevNov. 23, 2003 - 10:33

Wow, it's been a while, yes?

So I'm on week 3 of my tour of "A Christmas Carol." For those of you that missed the memo, I play Scrooge for a touring children's theatre. Plus, we're putting covers on all the TPS reports now.

I am right outside of Washington, DC...I have played New York twice, Boston, some other big and/or cool cities. AND I have the next 2 days off here in town. Then an evening show on Wed, so not too shabby.

My mind is scattered and my back hurts (I pulled it loading the set in on Friday-- on BROADWAY! That's right, I technically have done a Broadway show now).

This tour has been really odd. Just all the circumstances surrounding it. For any that don't know, I am dating this pretty rad girl, Katy. We had only really been dating about 3 weeks before I left for tour, but we seem to be doing pretty good. Granted, next Spring is kinda up in the air...any prayers for my decision making would be greatly loved.

Anyway...tour...ummm, there seem to be two distinct factions within the 6 actors, and I (as usual) find myself a member of both. That happens because I pretty much just love people as a whole. Elias on my first tour said that I was the nuetral ground that people came to when there were problems. I was the "centered one." YAY! Anyway, I guess it's happened again. I've also been able to see Mel a number of times since being on tour, so that's cool. Once I left Nebraska I didn't know when I'd ever see her again.

Well, this was just kind of an update entry...I'll write a couple of stories as time permits...I have lots to tell.

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