Chickens With Pants
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Rocket Maaaaan!

prevOct. 27, 2003 - 2:06

So I called AFT today. I leave next Monday for tour and still had not found out anything. So I call Ms. Boss (sorry, Ginger).

"How may I help you?"

"Hey, it's Jeremy. Okay, I'm not even going to bother you with asking about my worker's comp. information (from LAST Nov. Still not paid.) because I know that's all in "Bob's" hands. I just figure that when I get up there next week, I'll create a ruckus. (Yes, I used "ruckus." I'm southern, forgive me.) However...speaking of getting there next week, I still have no flight info."

"Right, well, let me transfer you to Ms. Boss2. She's handling all that."

"Hello, this is Ms. Boss2. How may I help you.?"

"It's Jeremy. When do I find out my flight info?"

"Jeremy! I was just about to call you! (The most famous of all AFT lies.)"

She then spends five minutes telling me about when and where our last show is (Warren, OH...oddly, my last show from my first tour) and when I'll be getting back to Philly (Dec. 23) and when I'll be flying out (Dec. 24). That's great, Ms. Boss2, but have you told me yet when I'm leaving Charlotte next Monday? She finally gets around to it, and I actually find out some good news. Because she got my flight "so long ago" (which makes me wonder why it's taken this long for me to find out about it), I have a direct flight TO Philadelphia, and a direct flight BACK to Charlotte! That makes me oh so happy. Also, my flight out isn't until 10:45am, which is great, and my flight back should get into Charlotte on Christmas Eve around 12:40pm. That just totally rocks.

So, other than the fact that I wasn't being told anything, everything is good.


In just a few minutes I will be finishing up painting the trim work in the study, and then I'll start putting the new floor in. This should be...interesting, to say the least.

Yesterday, I had to do some touch-up painting on an area missed before and then just some other painting. When the parental units came home, I shut the door and then got onto the computer to do some work. Then I IMed a while, then I talked on the phone. Then I was told on the phone that I was high. Sure enough, it seems I was. Thinking I wouldn't need such a thing for a little touch-up work, I didn't open the windows (plus it was freakin chilly yesterday...and a crazy fog like a movie version of London). So anyway, yeah, I had pretty much gotten high off of paint fumes. Add to that the giddyness of a big misunderstanding being worked out, and I was high as a kite. I kept singing Rocket Man to Katy. I especially like to sing it now that I found out what that one line was: "burning up the fumes up here alone." ...hmmm, that really fit, didn't it?

Ok, so I'm gonna do some more painting now. WITH windows open, don't worry your pretty little head.

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