Chickens With Pants
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The New Year

prevDec. 31, 2005 - 7:04

Happy 2006, everybody. Fun for the whole family.

I've got a few things planned for the coming year: main thing is to actually take control of my life and stop drifting in the river. I get to make my own decisions about what I'm going to do and how I'm going to react. To the person that helped me realized that: couldn't you have told me your thoughts/feelings 2 years ago? I could have gotten so much more accomplished.

I've got plans to do a children's book. I want to put into book form the native American story of how the thrush (and all the birds, for that matter) got its song with my own artwork for the layouts. Haven't decided on watercolor or mixed media. I'll probably go mixed with some watercolour (that's for all my British readers). Anyway, it's a beautiful and really cool story and I think it would work well as a kid's book.

What else?...there's my online comic. I get really mixed reviews on that. Just yesterday, Matt W. said, "I've been reading your comic...and I don't think it's funny. Is it supposed to be that way?" He finally admitted that maybe it's just over his head. Not in an intellectual way, just a "I don't get online comics" sort of way. Judging from my stats page, it seems as though I have about 20-25 frequent readers, so I'm happy with that.

Anyway, I'm off to do the family thing for the holiday. Peace of Christ to you.

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