Chickens With Pants
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MY journal, thank you

prevOct. 14, 2003 - 3:29

Okay, here's me doing well.

What's up, Jeremy? This is your journal, remember? It's YOUR'S, Jeremy. What that means, Jeremy, is that you can write whatever you want to, and it's okay. Like the venting the other day? That was fine. Sometimes you just have to get some stuff out of your system, man. Put it out there if you need to, my brother...myself, rather. Yeah, so Jeremy, you're writing in your journal, and if other people read it... well, you can't help that. However, it's not theirs, dude. Don't worry about them.

I give you permission to write about whatever you want to write about in here. Give you permission to treat this as if no one else was reading it, because it's YOUR page, after all. give you purmission to mispel and use badly grammer.

Ok, no. I don't give you that permission. Ugh.

Having said all of that, I have to say that I have a date Wednesday night! I have a date Wednesday night, and I am freakin happy about it! I can't act like I don't have a date, 'cause I do. Can't not mention it, because it's what's on my mind. I'm happy. I'm stoked. I'm X-static! I really like this girl, and I'm not going to act like I don't. Especially not here on my journal.

So anyway, I have a date, and I'm scared out of my mind. I haven't had an actual date in quite a while. I really fancy this girl, and from what I can tell, she really digs me too. She hasn't booted me out of her life yet, (which, from what I can tell, is a BIG step for her) and I have learned the art of Patience (which is a BIG step for me!).


Having said all of that, more news to look back on and remember: tonight my ankle hurts like mother-f*ing hell! That's just the best way to describe it. My bone scan is October 21 at 6:15am. I'm sorry, I said "am." I meant to say "in the MOTHER F*ING MORNING!" What's the deal with that?! It's not like they are planning on rushing my scan to the lab and have a report that afternoon. It will probably take a week. I bet all those damn cancer people have the later times booked up. I'll be in freakin Philly by the time my reports come back. What good will they do me there? AGH! It HURTS NOW! Insurance company drug their feet a week and a half!!!! before approving the procedure. Asses! I could have already had it by now, thank you very much. I get hurt on the job working for them, and this is how they repay me. Gracias.

Then there's the fact that I won't be able to drive on my date because of my suspended license. I just hate trying to be the gentleman whilst sitting in the passenger seat. HAHAHAHAHA... oh well. BUT!......I've got a date Wednesday! Who cares where I sit, as long as I'm there, right?

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