Chickens With Pants
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Running off at the Fingers

prevMay. 07, 2005 - 1:01

Holy crap, here's to friends who create a weeklong birthday! Just got more presents last night (Friday) after just getting some the night before...and my birthday was Monday! Sweet. Jamee got me some pretty sweet stuff, the one I'm MOST excited about is Ani's DVD!!! Niiiiiice. Then came Sarah's oh-so-knowing-Jeremy gifts. That pen? Yeah. That shirt? Hells yes! I'm not going to tell what shirt it is because I want my baby to be surprised in Alaska when I first wear it. She'll freak. Plus I got toys. Fun toys. Family Guy bendable toys. I'll act out Stewie calling Hair-Lip Steve. Or something. But let's not forget the best gift of all this birthday season (it's become a seaon now, get over it): tickets to see U2 in Philly next Saturday!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Aaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhh yeeeeeaaaaah. Thank you, babybutt. Mel got these for us, but she can't go 'cause she's already in Alaska. Sadness. Carr!e is going instead. odd as that might sound.

I was in Bloomsburg, PA earlier this week (I'm a travelin' fool!) and got to spend time with Monica, whom I won't see when I'm there next week. It rocked. It's one of those odd friendships where I don't really remember where/when we became friends, you know? We just seemed to be around each other and at some point ended our phone calls with "love you." Hope she has fun in London.

Even though we (Care and I) won't get to see Mon, you know what we WILL get to see? RITA'S, baby! RITA'S!!! If you know Rita's, then you know the wonderfullness of their desserts. I want to open up a franchise in NC. I'll also get to see Charlotte when I'm up there...again, happiness.

Man, put me in front of a laptop after months with no free time, and I just get all boring, listing, don't I?

So here's news: I won't be going to UNCG this fall. Kinda forgot about those immunizations. I only have Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday to get my shots...but have no money. And what little bit I actually do have has to go toward Philly gas, Philly food, two pairs of pants for my job in Alaska, and a few bills I still owe Joel. So actually, some of the things on the above list will probably get skipped, too. I'll pay Joel and get pants, but I think the trip to Philly will be a loaf of bread and peanut butter and jelly. This is why I never let myself get too excited about getting accepted. I knew something would end up blocking it. Oh well, there's next spring. And I'll be considered in-state then! I guess I'll work thru September 14 in Alaska then come home, get all my shots (I sound like a new puppy), get my spring application ready, then go on tour as Scrooge again. *sigh* Not really what I wanted, but hey, it will be Year 5 with AFT! That will be cool...and completely useless. :) Not like they're going to give me a raise. Oh well, I'll at least probably break 250 shows as Scrooge. That will be kinda neat. I'm already slightly above 200.


Am I the only one in America who just doesn't care for Norah Jones? Sure, I appreciate her talent, I just think it's boring. Doesn't do anything for me.

All right, kids, I'm gone. Have to go to Dad's and clean gutters. I love doing that; I like being on the roof and seeing the world from a view most people don't get. Maybe that's why I liked skydiving so much. Then we're going to see Kindgom of Heaven. Dad wants to see it and he's paying, so okay. Plus, it's Ridley Scott, so I know the fighting will be good. Liam, anyone? Ah yeah.

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