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Countdown to Funcomfortable

prevOct. 13, 2005 - 6:35

Fly out tomorrow afternoon to New York. Within a couple days I'll be on the floor at Corporate Owned Center in Philadelphia seeing U2 for the second time this year, second time ever! I'm stoked. On. The. Floor. I wanted to get there early to get right up against the circle, but kinda didn't want to because I thought Kings of Suck were opening up for them again, but I recently found out that in fact Jacob...I mean Damien Marley is the opener. I can handle that.

After U2 (not that much more matters) will be the show that Ginger works for. Then a couple days hanging around NYC...except, the guy that said I could "probably" stay at his place hasn't called back. Hmmm...Anyway, the week will be capped off with seeing David Wilcox. I'm obviously pretty excited, but also slightly unnerved. Mel and I have never done this before: gone somewhere strickly as friends. It's just going to be a strage territory at first, that's all. That first initial meeting will be the oddest, I believe. We won't even greet each other the way we have for 3 years. On top of that, a part of me really wanted to get back after U2, but it turned out to be much cheaper to stay. My wallet ended up making the decision for me... oh well.

I'm sure I'll have lots to tell and hopefully some pictures to post when I get back. Overall I think it's going to be fun. Fun mixed with a wee bit of uncomfortableness.

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