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Designated Drunk

prevNov. 01, 2003 - 5:30

SOO much happened today! It being Halloween, things are always going to fun, right? Yep. But, since it's 5:30am, I'm only going to make a quick note in here about an amazing thing that took place about 4 hours ago.

In the Shelby, NC Denny's, I shook hands with and talked to Dave Attell, the host of Comedy Central's Insomniac. He and his crew were passing through (NOT filming the wonderful night-life in Shelby, trust me!) and they stopped to have dinner. It. Was. Weird.

What gets me is why, of all nights, weren't they taping on Halloween?! Oh well, the point is, I met Dave Attell. In Shelby. At Denny's.

Crazy, huh? And that wasn't even the highlight of my night.

Dave Attell, ladies and gentlemen, Dave Attell.

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